Останні коментарі до ігор
Ron @ 2024-11-07 20:12:10
ok, this is my first comment on this site, and damn, I just have to write it. The game is AWESOME and quite unusual. You essentially live your whole life as a character from birth. It's an interesting idea and I really want to see what happens next. Developer, please don't forget about the game in the future))) And yes, there will be sex scenes here, you just have to wait, but the interactions between the characters themselves are excellently done
Дивитись усеНикита @ 2024-10-21 06:04:34 (Reply)
При цьому не правий і обов'язків сторін у Мюнхені ЄС США і обов'язків сторін у Мюнхені ЄС США і обов'язків сторін у Мюнхені ЄС США і
Дивитись усеanon @ 2024-09-06 12:07:08
I don't see any animations when I play the game. I only see a black screen. -> The game needs an audio device enabled to play animations. Enable output for sound and try playing the game again. Playing frow Windows App.
Дивитись усеVenyagar @ 2024-05-13 16:15:13
Every time I try to load the game, I just get this error message: "Downloading engine... failed to asynchronously prepare wasm: CompileError: AsyncCompile: Wasm decoding failed: The Exception section must appear before the Export section @+58328 The game aborted unexpectedly." Anyone know how to fix it?
Дивитись усеПоляк Андрій @ 2022-11-02 20:49:16
Ультр МегаСуперПуперДупертоповаКрута гра, привіт із Тюдова!
Дивитись усеKourtney @ 2011-07-15 16:40:24
God help me, I put aside a whole aftrenoon to figure this out.
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1.6M 483Anonymous @ 2024-12-06 18:58:13 (Reply)
tias, v1.17 codes: this - cheats is - Tinder premium awful - Tinder premium+
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